

It’s good to have that spark back. Or it was… Like a bolt of lightning: appearing out of nowhere, powerfully energizing, and gone as quickly as it came.

The project got off to a slow start as I had to reteach myself my own workflow.

And as I was putting off writing this, I stumbled upon my true enemy. It seems I had misidentified both a friend and an enemy…

And now… weeks later… I forget where I was going with this… Something about coming to grips with the idea that I truly am a Master Procrastinator. (I bet a lot of you already knew this…)

But a new year is about to begin; it’s a great time for change!

Iowa Gamer

Behold! My latest (completed) artwork since… Well… Nevermind that now…

IAGamer-no back

Anyway… When Mak the Mad put out a call for artistic help with her new YouTube channel, I jumped at the chance. I then tripped and fell at the discovery of how rusty I’ve let myself become… discouraging…

But the idea of having a hand in helping a fellow gamer get her start on YouTube was too exciting! (I almost started a channel myself once…) So I got back up and started pushing through the rust to turn Mak into the cartoon you see here.

It was slow going at first… but maybe I’ll write more about that later. If I try to write the whole experience, I won’t get this published anytime soon. I now realize that I am a master procrastinator.

Meanwhile, go check out Iowa Gamer to watch Mak the Mad play a classic/favorite, The Ledgend of Zelda: Occarina of Time. Word is that she’s never actually finished the game before, so it will be fun to see how she does (and it has been fun already). Look for my contribution near the end of each episode, starting in the 3rd video.

Let’s Get Back to Work!

Great…. Scott…. has it been that long? I have neglected this page for some time now. Life happened. And happened again. And is still happening, with no sign of stopping.

But a friend has recently inspired me back into action. You probably know her if you’re reading this today. But if you don’t, go check out her on YouTube or Facebook to see the beginning of my art returning to the Internet.

More soon.

Spreadshirt for the Win

I just received my own copy my designs from my new printer. Spreadshirt nailed it. The colors are perfect, and the print quality looks great. I am a happy customer.

Just don’t order “Watch Me Fly” on a brown shirt… The Brown turned out to be too dark to see the text well… I will need to do something to make it easier to read on darker colors.

Hearts and Leaf prints

Hello Internet

My name is Kevin, and I like to make stuff. I have decided that it’s time to share the neat stuff I make with the world. (… or as much of the internet as I can reach.)

This is how it was meant to look
Here’s the end product

My most recent creation is this shirt I designed for my fellow Whovians. I had it printed through, and they did… eh.. a decent job. I was hoping for a screen printing but got digital. Apparently this makes the colors less vibrant… which had a disappointing effect on the shade of blue I was going for. A very important shade for us Whovians.
So I’ve been looking at other printing options for future designs.

I’d love to hear from those of you who bought one. Leave a comment or tag me on Facebook in a pic of you wearing it.